All subjects with use two forms of assessment with your children in their lessons: formative and summative. Formative assessment occurs throughout the lesson to ensure that they understand the new or revised learning. Teachers use a range of methods for formative assessment: questioning, whole class response systems, diagnostic tests and quizzes. Teachers will adapt their lesson in line with the feedback that they receive from the students to ensure that all learners reach the learning objective. Summative assessment usually occurs at the end of the topic to inform teachers and students how much they have learnt about the topic. This assessment is usually graded.
In KS3 there will be an end of Year Exam in all subjects. Core subjects: RE, English, Maths and Science exams will take place in the hall whereas the other subjects will complete these in their usual lessons in class. The exams will cover all they have learnt in that year so the Knowledge Organisers (see below) are crucial to good revision.
In Years 10 and 12, all students will sit Pre-Public Exams (PPEs) in all subjects in May of that year. These will be completed in the hall under exam conditions. Those taking Vocational Subjects may have actual exams in the January of that year.
In Years 11 and 13, students will sit for two PPEs: one in November and the other in February. These will cover all the exams they will sit in the external examinations in May/June.
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