Support for other Schools

What do we do?

We offer part of the Peterborough Hubs network CPD provision.

Drop-in Sessions

This includes fortnightly drop-ins during which professionals can come and access resources or gain advice about first quality teaching. Some of our drop-ins are also attended by the resident Teacher of the Deaf, Mrs Lester who can give technical advice about Hearing Aids and Radio Aids, as well as demonstrate the Soundfield system. 

Our drop-in sessions take place on a Tuesday and you can book a slot to seek advice and guidance from Hub staff or browse the resource library:

Please contact the Hub Manager, to book a slot:
Telephone:   01733 343646


We also contribute to the delivery of CPD across Peterborough, with a particular focus on supporting EAL learners with a Hearing Impairment and also delivering effective PSHE and CEIAG education to learners with Special Educational Needs. See the link below to the SEND network Professional Development offer.

Resources for Schools

Training Modules

Our hub has co-produced training modules with Nova primary Hub and the Sensory Support Service.

These virtual modules can be found on the local offer (link below) and include modules on Adapting Teaching and Learning, Use of Technology, Deafness and Emotional Well-Being, How Teaching Assistants can Support Deaf Learners, Supporting Communication and Understanding Deafness. – Click on Tab

Useful websites for teaching resources

© 2022 Created by St John Fisher Catholic High School