The school operates a vertical tutoring system. This means is that instead of the school being organised into year groups, registering together, we have broken them up into four HOUSES. Each house contains nine form groups which comprise year 7 to year 13 students.
These form groups meet for twenty minutes in the morning and in this time they are prepared for their school day. They engage in group activities, house competitions, sporting challenges and thinking exercises. The purpose is to prepare them, challenge them and to stretch them.
The Houses are designed to offer a consistent experience for the student’s time in school. At the same time each House strives to establish its own identity within the school community.
The four Houses comprise two faculties with the staff from those faculties acting as form tutors. Each House also has a Student Support Officer (SSO) supporting the Head of House (HOH). Each House is named after an aspect of St. John Fisher’s life. The Houses are as follows:

Named after the town of St. John Fisher’s birth. The Head of House is Mrs E Udeaja. Their Student Support Officer is Mr J Cowlin. Tutoring staff in the House are drawn from the Creative Arts and Modern Foreign Languages faculties.

Named after the university town St. John Fisher studied at. The Head of House is Mr S Cayley. Their Student Support Officer is Miss A Renda. Tutoring staff in the House are drawn from the Mathematics and Science faculties.

Named after the town where St. John Fisher did his pastoral service. The Head of House is Miss Z James. Their Student Support Officer is Mrs K D’Ambrosio. Tutoring staff in the House are drawn from the Performing Arts and Religious Education faculties.

St. John Fisher was tried for treason and sentenced to death. The Head of House is Mrs D Maudsley. Their Student Support Officer is Mrs J Reid. Tutoring staff in the House are drawn from the Humanities and English faculties.
© 2022 Created by St John Fisher Catholic High School