Our Vision/Rationale
‘I have come that they may have life and have it to the full’ John 10:10
At SJF we have a clear curriculum intent that enables our students to develop and grow during their time with us and beyond. Our Curriculum is broad and balanced and whilst we meet the requirements of the National Curriculum, we also aim to prepare our students for the world of work, expand their cultural capital and introduce them to activities which will enrich their life experiences in the future.
Our curriculum is designed to support students’ wellbeing as well as their personal development. We offer a rich exposure to a wealth of diverse and important cultural and topical knowledge. Our Focus Day programme of three collapsed and cross curricular themed events are intended to build on a range of collaborative learning from Exam Masterclasses, IAG sessions, Interactive Astronomy to History Days and Healthy Lifestyle sessions.
Our extensive engagement with the student body via tutor time and assemblies and using our weekly themed ‘Thought of the Week’, means that we are able to discuss and inform students of national, local and spiritual events such as Holocaust Memorial Day, Black History Month or our city wide Faith Walk. Our Sixth Form student leaders and student body are regularly involved in presenting and informing the student body on the wider issues affecting our communities such as our Eco Warrior Group.
© 2022 Created by St John Fisher Catholic High School