Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG)
With the ever changing job market it is important that the students at our school receive up to date, relevant and impartial advice on both education and career pathways.
At St John Fisher we do this in a number of ways:
- Students receive Work Related Learning lessons during their PSHE time. This is for all years and covers different types of training and and how to apply for a job.
- The school works with the Youth Service, who provide an advisor in school on a weekly basis, to meet with students to support, advise and discuss options for their next step after school, whether it be education, training or employment.
- The school has a growing number of resources in the school library where students can find the most recent prospectuses from a wide range of education establishments. The students will also find here other relevant information on both careers, training and further education routes.
- The school also provides support for those students writing personal statements to help support their UCAS process.
Please find below further useful information and links:
Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) –
Peterborough Regional College –
City College, Peterborough –
New College Stamford –
Apprenticeships –
Teach East – Information –
© 2022 Created by St John Fisher Catholic High School