Good attendance is essential if your child makes maximum use of their time at school and reaches their full potential. At St John Fisher School we expect every student to have 100% attendance unless there are exceptional circumstances. Regular attendance enables them to keep up to date with their work and also maintain regular contact with their friends. Poor attendance creates the problem that having missed lessons they find it harder to understand subsequent work.
St John Fisher Catholic High School expects all parents and carers to ensure their children attend school regularly.
The Headteacher may only agree to a maximum of 5 school days leave of absence during term time if the request is considered as being for exceptional circumstances. The fundamental principles for defining ‘Exceptional’ are rare, significant, unavoidable, and short. Unavoidable means an event that could not reasonably be scheduled at another time. Parents/Carers must complete a Request for Period of Leave During School Term Time.
Parents do NOT have any right to leave of absence during term time and if your request is refused the absence may be unauthorized and result in the Local Authority issuing a Penalty Notice.