Core Values and Catholic Life

School students, parishioners and priests from across the Peterborough Deanery attended the unique annual Catherine of Aragon Mass at Peterborough Cathedral recently. “Peterborough Cathedral is the […]
Our Core Values
As a Catholic school, our core values are rooted in the gospels and inspired by the teachings and actions of Jesus. In the teachings found in Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount, core Christian values are expressed through the Beatitudes; a way of living that promotes respect, tolerance, peace, service, and the dignity of the human person.
‘Gospel values are a guarantee of peace and of collaboration among all citizens of the world in the shared commitment to serving the common good (Pope John Paul II 2004)
Our core values support our students, staff, and parents to:
- Be people of integrity, tolerance, respect, and compassion
- To serve the common good of society
- To live out our duty as responsible citizens living in a lawful democratic community
- To be people of hope and aspiration
- To be confident and happy
- Be people who celebrate diversity
Mutual respect for each others’ beliefs remains firmly rooted in our work as a cohesive Catholic community in preparing our young people for life in the world and in Britain today. This is expressed through the idea that every individual is unique and made in the image of God and therefore greatly treasured and loved.
‘Catholic schools, while providing quality education, hold up Christian values to children, inviting them to build their own lives on them. Teaching these values, for those who know how to accept and live them consistently, yields highly positive results – as experience confirms – at the personal, family, and professional levels.’ (Pope John Paul II)
The Church provides Catholic schools to:
- Be a service to society. To serve the human person and society and enable them to develop an understanding of their communal obligations, personal aspirations, and role as citizens in society and the world.
- Assist in its mission of making Christ known to all people
- Assist parents, who are the primary educators of their children, in the education and religious formation of their children
- Be at the service of the local church – the diocese, the parish, and the Christian home
Values and our curriculum
All students follow the National Curriculum. The Curriculum is therefore broad and balanced meeting the needs of students at each key stage, including their spiritual, moral, cultural and social needs.
Our curriculum is rooted in our core values. The aims of our curriculum are to enable students to leave as well rounded, well educated young people ready to contribute to the world, serving the Common Good.
Our assembly, pastoral and chaplaincy programmes reinforce our core values. Opportunities for deeper exploration of our values are provided within our R.E. curriculum, Citizenship and PSHE programmes of study. This includes learning about the dangers of extremism and radicalisation in its various guises
Mass and Liturgies
A voluntary Mass is held every Tuesday morning in the school Chapel. We also celebrate Mass on Holy Days of Obligation and special Feast days. The School follows the Church’s liturgical calendar and always encourages students to attend the sacrament of Reconciliation, particularly during these seasons. The school will gather together, particularly for Christmas and Easter liturgies and every house will celebrate mass together at least once a year.
Our Vision
St John Fisher School is an inclusive and welcoming Catholic community, committed to excellence, success, and lifelong learning.
Each individual is valued and supported to reach their full potential as a Child of God.
Mission Statement
‘I have come that they may have life and
have it to the full’ John 10:10
St John Fisher School is a learning community striving to live the gift of life that God gave us:
- we know through our spirituality that everyone is a loved creation of God and that every person has a lesson they can teach someone else.
- we will take every opportunity to help each other and those less fortunate than ourselves.
- we will do our best to reach our aspirations, and celebrate our successes.
School Prayer
Thank you, O God, for another day
Help me to spend it wisely and to spend it well.
Grant that everything I do today
may be done as well as I can do it.
Grant that everyone I meet may be happier for the meeting.
Keep me all through today
Conscientious in my work;
Truthful in my speaking;
Loyal to all my friends
And faithful to those who love me,
Through Jesus Christ my Lord.
© 2022 Created by St John Fisher Catholic High School